Reporting issues#

You’ve found something in Crochet that doesn’t quite work as you expected. Maybe it’s just very frustrating to use. Maybe the documentation around it is confusing or hard to find. Maybe Crochet just crashes on you whenever you look at it funny. In any of these cases, you’re more than welcome to report the issue in Crochet’s issue tracker.


DO NOT REPORT SECURITY ISSUES THE WAY DESCRIBED HERE. Security issues have their own special process to ensure that the least amount of harm is caused to other users. See the Reporting security issues page to learn about that process instead.


Crochet issues are reported in the main repository’s issue tracker, on GitHub. In order to report one you’ll first need to have a GitHub account. You can create a GitHub account for free if you don’t have one yet.

Things that are nice to do#

Before reporting your issue, consider searching in the issue tracker to see if someone has had the same problem before. If you do find something that looks like your problem, try commenting in that issue with how you’re affected by it instead.

If you’re not sure if what you’re experiencing really matches what other people are, report a new issue anyway. It’s better to potentially cause some noise than to let issues remain unknown. We can always redirect you to another issue if that makes sense.

How to report an issue#


Remember that security issues have their own reporting process and should NOT follow the process below.

When reporting an issue try to be specific about what you expected to happen, and what happened instead. It’s good to include information about what environment you were running as well. For example, programs may behave differently when ran on Windows or on a Mac. Or even just in different browsers; Chrome and Firefox have different technologies under them, and that could be causing issues.

Here’s an example of an issue report that is helpful:

When I try to add days to an instant (I’m using the crochet.time package), sometimes it will not add the exact amount of days I’ve specified.

For example:

let Date = #plain-date-time year: 2018 month: 2 day: 15;
Date + 1 day;

I would expect this to give me 16th February 2018, 00:00, but instead I get 15th February 2018, 23:00. It looks like it’s not adding days, but some kind of hours?

I’m running on this environment:

  • Crochet version 0.13.0 (on the terminal)

  • Windows 11

Here we can see what the user tried, what they expected to happen, and what they saw happening instead. There’s also the versions of the programs that the user was running that could have some relevance to the issue. That’s a great first step.

From this initial message, since it’s related to dates, a maintainer may ask for additional clarifications. For example, the issue this user was seeing could be related to Daylight Saving Times. So a maintainer may reply with:

Hey, thanks for reporting it! That does indeed look quite odd. It might be related to daylight saving times. What timezone is your Windows set to?

The user then replies back:

Oh! That would make sense. My computer is using the Brazilian timezone (GMT-03:00).

The maintainer can then try to replicate the issue by changing their environment to mimic the user’s, and with that figure out if their initial guess was correct. The conversation may continue after that, where both parties provide additional clarifications until they have a better understanding of the issue and a way forward to fix it.

In this case, the maintainer might have found that the issue was indeed related to daylight saving times, and then reply:

Hey, it seems that adding days to a date really wasn’t playing well with DST. I’ve published a new version of the package that should fix this particular issue. Can you install crochet@0.13.1 and see if it solves the issue on your end as well?

Once everyone is satisfied, the issue can be considered solved, and maybe added to the next release.

Also useful#

While issue reports are primarily about having a conversation about the problems you’re experiencing, sometimes text alone makes this a bit difficult—because it’s hard to get you and the maintainers in the same page about what exactly is happening.

For issues of programs misbehaving, it’s often very useful to provide a small example, along with clear instructions of how to run it, that contain the issue you’re seeing. This way the maintainers can run and inspect the example, and better understand all of the things that are happening in it.