
When are two Crochet values equal? This question is surprisingly difficult to answer, and in this section we cover the common cases that give one an idea of how to think about equality.

Intrinsic equality#

Every value in Crochet has a concept of “intrinsic equality”. That is, within the Crochet universe, what other value is equal to it. In this case, the idea of intrinsic equality means that, if two values are intrinsically equal, then they can be used interchangeably anywhere in Crochet. In any context.

Intrinsic equality is computed through the intrinsic equality operator (=:=, two equal signs separated by a double colon symbol). This is not really a Crochet command, but a special piece of Crochet syntax that has a well-defined, immutable meaning.

In essence, in an expression like A =:= B, we consider A and B equal if:

  • They are both integers, and represent the same number;

  • They are both floating points, and represent the same number. This still holds for infinities (positive infinity is equal to any other positive infinity representation, for example), but it does not hold for the special “not a number” (NaN) representation. That’s because NaN is never equal to anything—it is the representation of a numeric error.

  • They are both text, and their normalised unicode representation is the same. What a “normalised unicode representation” is is explained in the Text models chapter.

  • They are both booleans, and both are the value true, or both are the value false.

  • They are both nothing.

  • They are both interpolations, and the order and values of their textual and dynamic parts are equal to each other. That is, "Hello, [Name]" is equal to "Hello, [Person]" if Name and Person are equal, but "[Greeting], Alice" and "Hello, [Name]" can never be equal, even if Greeting is the text "Hello" and Name is the text "Alice", thus being displayed to the user as “Hello, Alice”.

  • They are both lists, and they contain the same number of values, and each value in one list is intrinsically equal to the value at the same position in the other list. [1, 2, 3] and [1, 2, 3] are equal, [1, 2, 3] and [3, 2, 1] are not.

  • They are both records, and they contain the same set of keys, which are associated with equal values. [x -> 1, y -> 2] and [y -> 2, x -> 1] are equal, but [x -> 1, y -> 2] and [x -> 1, z -> 2] are not.

All other values in Crochet are considered intrinsically equal if their identities are the same.

Value identity#

Typed data is brought into existence through the new operator. When this happens, Crochet assigns an unique identity to the value. Like a social security number uniquely identifying a person—but this applies everywhere in Crochet.

That is, if we have:

let A = new point2d(1, 2);
let B = new point2d(1, 2);

Then A and B have distinct (and unique) identities, even though they may contain the same values. This is important for Crochet’s idea of security—it allows each of these values to be used as a completely unique key, allowing whoever controls these values to also control access to other things.

For example, the map type in Crochet uses intrinsic equality to associate arbitrary keys with values. This means that if we have the following:

let Map = #map empty
            | use-strict-access
            | at: A put: "Hello"
            | at: B put: "Goodbye";

And we give A and B to other people, then people who have got A will only ever be able to get "Hello" out of this map. And people who have got B will only ever be able to get "Goodbye" out of it.

Custom equality#

The standard library also describes an equality trait, which proposes that typed data may define its own notion of equality, where desirable. Thus, the _ === _ (equals) command is only defined for some types, and what it means is up to the people implementing the trait.

For example, if we were to make a rectangle type, it would be useful to also allow people to compare them for equality. And since rectangles don’t usually carry any sensitive data, we don’t have to worry as much about security in this case.

This definition could look like this:

type rectangle(global width, global height);

implement equality for rectangle;

command (A is rectangle) === (B is rectangle) =
  (A width === B width) and (A height === B height);

So, in this case, rectangles would be equal if they have the same width and height. Note, however, that due to how types in Crochet are laid out in a hierarchy, it is still possible for users to extend this rectangle type and still have this same equality notion apply to them.

Consider the following:

type square(global side) is rectangle;

command square width = self side;
command square height = self side;

With this definition, the following would all be equal (through _ === _) to each other, even though different types are involved:

let A = new rectangle(10, 10);

let B = new rectangle(10, 10);

let C = new square(10);

(A === B) and (B === C);

Security considerations#

When making types implement equality, you need to ensure that it makes sense from a security point of view as well, if your type may contain sensitive data, or be used for sensitive operations.

By implementing custom equality you’re choosing to make some aspect of your value observable and comparable to other values in Crochet. Every time you choose to make some aspect of your data observable, you may end also giving others a way of guessing sensitive data. Or, if equality only considers a value partially, you may end up in situations where people are able to perform things in your program even though they should not have the permission to do so.