Installing Crochet#

Before you can use Crochet you’ll need to install it. There are a few ways of installing Crochet, and this page will walk you through them.

(Advanced) Installing Crochet with npm#

You can install the command line version of Crochet using npm. For this you’ll need to have Node.js installed in your computer.

Once you have all of the pre-requisites installed, you can install Crochet from the terminal:

npm install -g @qteatime/crochet@experimental

With this you should have a crochet application available in the terminal. You can test if everything is okay by running Crochet in the terminal:

crochet help

And it should give you something like the following:

crochet --- a safe programming language

  crochet run <crochet.json> [-- <app-args...>]
  crochet run-web <crochet.json> [--port PORT --www-root DIR]
  crochet playground <crochet.json> [--port PORT --target ('node' | 'browser')]
  crochet docs <crochet.json> [--port PORT --target ('node' | 'browser')]
  crochet package <crochet.json> [--package-to OUT_DIR]
  crochet test <crochet.json> [--test-title PATTERN --test-module PATTERN --test-package PATTERN --test-show-ok]
  crochet build <crochet.json>
  crochet show-ir <file.crochet>
  crochet show-ast <file.crochet>
  crochet new <name>
  crochet help [<command>]
  crochet version

  --verbose          Outputs debugging information
  --disclose-debug   Treats all types as public data when printing

Run the playground command to start an HTTP server for an interactive shell for a specific Crochet package on port 8000.

Editor support#

Besides the built-in Crochet IDE, there is minimal support for Visual Studio Code. The Crochet extension provides syntax highlighting for Crochet and related languages.