for expression#

The for expression allows one to do something with each item of a collection. It has a few different forms.

Iteration form#

The iteration form allows one to do something with each item of a collection, in its defined order. It has the following syntax:

let A = [1, 2, 3];

for Item in A do
  A + 1;

Which will produce:

[2, 3, 4]

The Item part is a variable name that will refer to each item of the collection in turn.

Filter form#

The filter form allows one to exclude items from the iteration. It has the following syntax:

let A = [3, 6, 9];

for Item in A if Item > 5 do
  Item + 1;

Which will produce:

[7, 10]

Nested form#

The nested form allows one to do combine the iterations of different collections. It has the following syntax:

let A = [1, 2];
let B = ["a", "b"];

for Outer in A,
    Inner in B
  [Outer, Inner]

Which will produce:

  [1, "a"],
  [1, "b"],
  [2, "a"],
  [2, "b"]